Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Taino Folklore and Folktales

The project I’m interested in creating next is based on Taino Folklore therefore I would like to take a closer look at what Folklore is and how it developed.

Folklores are directly influenced by culture. They are based on traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances, or art forms preserved among a people. These are passed on to new generations by oral literature of a society in various forms; such as myth, legend, folktale, song, proverb, and many others. The Tainos used dance and game ceremonies.

The Wiki definition addresses something I think is very important. It mentions superstitions.

Folktale: The tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population.

This is important because the very definition of Folktale states that they are known to be false, giving us a highly symbolic work. I love this because it gives the creator of a folktale the freedom to state a point through creative story telling.

Instantly I am reminded of Aesop Fables. When I was in elementary school I really enjoyed looking at the drawings in these books. The pictures were lovely to look at. I also remember that even at that very young age I “got” it. I knew these tales were not true but they were trying to tell me something. They were trying to teach me a lesson.

I wonder if that has something to do with the belief I have today: that it is an author’s duty to say something. I know I apply it to my work. All of my work, from my paintings to my writings are saying something. They are all expressions of an idea. When I am painting I go even deeper and focus on a particular emotion.

So in conclusion: folklore comes from a strong desire to teach. Knowing this will give me a great perspective as I delve in to research Taino society and their religion.


Anonymous said...

"Hamlet" without the Prince of Denmark.

Unknown said...

Folklore is what our ancestors used to "teach" the facts of our world. Is your religion folktale? Or is it a belief system that guides your very existence today?